Home / Equipment / Camera / Bodies / Feral Bolex – S16

Feral Bolex – S16

This little camera is a classic and needs no introduction. Rig it up fully for your A-cam or strip it back to handheld mode for your film inserts on a mixed media shoot.

Beyond this versatility, we’ve been asked for a long time to offer a 16mm camera lightweight enough to pair with our rigs, and this camera is just that, whether its on the Orbital Rig or the Feral Body Rig.

We’re also excited to start stocking a range of super 16 glass, including Cooke and Canon zooms as well as S16 Kowa Super Speeds.

As we are delving into the world of 16mm, it felt wrong to not offer the usual Feral vintage camera service – we are therefore stocking all common 16mm stock and offering overnight process and scan, so you don’t have to worry about sourcing stock or dropping it off to a lab!


  • Super 16

  • PL Mount or C-Mount options

  • VideoTap – so you can monitor and even pull focus!

  • D-tap or V-Lock Powered

  • Custom Run/Stop Solution

  • Mounting Cheeseplate + Bars

Sensor Size

Full Frame

Frame Rate

1 – 240

Native ISO

800, 12,800

Max Resolution


Weight (Body)


Dynamic Range
